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Logic To truth

With Logic We Find Truth

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- Could the content in the above image be made by coincidence?

- Could a whole city be built by coincidence?

- An average human heart pumps 1,900 gallons (7,200 liters) of blood around the body per day
Could you manage running or pumping your own Heart 7/24?

- Our Kidneys cleans 1400 Liter per day of our blood.
Could you manage running your kidneys 7/24?

Scientific topics from sermons- lesson (03): The Kidneys and Gratitude of their Blessing

- Could you manage watering all the trees around the earth, or in your country, or in your city ?

The above are just a few of millions of questions out there!!!



1) Who designed and made all that???

All that engineering and accuracy in the design can’t and will never ever be accepted to be by accident!

There should be a logical answer; agree?
To answer the above questions, we have to come up with logical answer and proven facts; agree?

Why write about logic? It is because logic is reasoned and reasonable judgment (see Web definitions for logic). We “Humans” think reason and evaluate using our gifted brain. Human’s brain is one of the tools that have been given to mankind, and we are supposed to use it. (See example below)


Example: Suppose you have a mechanic shop and you hired a mechanic to help you. The new hired mechanic keeps refusing to use the provided tools to fix cars. He keeps trying to take engines apart without using any of the tools. Of course, he will not be able to do the job.


What would you do? He is expected to use the tools to do the job, but he keeps refusing to do so. Unfortunately, you will have to let him go. Will you not? Why? Because the hired mechanic had refused to use the giving tools he was giving. Similarly, God All Mighty had giving us our brains, the ability to reason and think logically. Shouldn't we?


This is just one of many not listed examples. It is the same with us, we are expected to use our brain, if we do not, we then will face lots of problems. In addition, we must keep educating our brains with new knowledge. What used to be logic in the past; today is not. That is because facts have uncovered truth; and that happened because of more knowledge, education, learning, and experimentations together with being opened minded.

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An average human heart pumps 1,900 gallons (7,200 liters) of blood around the body per day

One litre of blood is cleaned every minute

Scientific topics from sermons- lesson (03): The Kidneys and Gratitude of their Blessing

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